Dell EMEA Tech Summit – Barcelona

Dell EMEA Tech Summit – Barcelona

Shortly after the Dell & EMC Merger came the annual EMEA Tech Summit, held at the Congressos de Catalunya, showing users the latest emerging technologies, trends and solutions from the edge to the core, to the cloud.  Experts were on hand showcasing their new edge ready infrastructure solutions offering rapid deployments everywhere and thus, giving users the flexibility and speed to bring operations online faster. 

This event was 5 days long, and played host to a keynote and plenary, large exhibition and 15 simultaneous breakout tracks. We utilised Christie Spyder, Barco’s E2 switch, Yamaha QL5 and a GrandMA2 console as well as the surrounding infrastructure. All of our HDMI conversion was done using AJA ROI HDMI-SDI and Decimator units (lifesavers!). In the exhibition hall, each stand was custom built and had presentation facilities using Dell displays. For the breakouts, we created packages dependent on track size, but this was utilising Yamaha QL1s, Avolites Tiger Touch Consoles & Barco PDS902 units for in-room switching.