L’Autre Débat – Paris

L’Autre Débat – Paris

During the 2017 elections in Paris, the voices and coverage surrounding Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. As a result, many of the other party leaders felt like their voices were drowned out by mainstream media and took it upon themselves to utilise the power of social media to host another debate; L’Autre Débat. This was an initiative led by Change.Org, Voxe, Stig and CivicTech, partnered with Facebook’s Public Policy team.

To capture the other party leaders, we used Grass Valley’s LDX series cameras, running into a Tricaster 8000 and then streamed to the various Facebook pages via Streamshark CDN. For the audio infrastructure, we stayed nimble and used Sennheiser ew300 G4 series lavalier and handheld microphones, coupled with a Yamaha QL1 for mixing.

LIVE: L'Autre débat 2017

LIVE : L'autre débat : quand la civic tech ouvre la #présidentielle2017, par Accropolis, Change.org, GOV, Stig et Voxe.org. Retrouvez dans ce débat Jacques Cheminade, candidat de Solidarité et Progrès, Jean-Pierre Gorges, candidat de La France c'est vous, Pierre Larrouturou, candidat de Nouvelle Donne, Charlotte Marchandise-Franquet, candidat de LaPrimaire.org – La Primaire Ouverte pour 2017 et Rama Yade, candidat de La France qui ose. Partagez le débat et posez vos questions en direct en commentaire du live.

Posted by Voxe on Monday, March 13, 2017